Lochaber Squash Club is open to all players from Fort William and the wider Lochaber area. We play on the public courts at Lochaber Leisure Centre managed by Highlife Highland for the Highland Regional Council.
Lochaber Lesiure Centre website click here
The Club organises an adult mini-league and ladder, Club Championships and Handicap competitions and coaching.
There is also a junior section within the squash club. Please contact us on the below details for further details.
We have a team in the regional League Cup organised by HISA and hope to continue this in the 2016-17 season.
Membership Information
Our subscription year runs from 1 September to 31 August. The current annual subscription is £30; payable pro rata in the first year
Club Contact
John Mortimer
Club Secretary
Mobile: 07745306645
E:mail: [email protected]
Mini League & Ladder
The mini-league and ladder positions at the beginning of the current month are shown below.
Squash Ladder: 201603Ladder
Squash Mini Leagues: League2016031 & League2016032